Revive 2024 celebrated 50 years of Ichthus!

Revive 2024 was an extra special year for us because we celebrated 50 years since Ichthus was planted! Ichthus began in September 1974, so we took the opportunity to celebrate in August 2024 at Revive. We are so grateful to God for all He has done in and through us in this last half-century. We seek to always be a revive-d and reviv-ing people who look back with thanks, look forward with faith and look around for what God is doing amongst us.

Revive is a blessing for so many people and this year we took a great step of faith, enabling people to camp for only 10% of the cost on our special Jubilee offer. This means we have a larger faith gap than usual because of the Jubilee offer. If you are able to give to Revive please click the button below.

The whole of our 2024 Jubilee Year in Ichthus is going to focus on ‘The Voice of Jesus’ from one of his most powerful statements:

“the Spirit of the Lord is upon Me,

Because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor.

He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives,

And recovery of sight to the blind,

To set free those who are oppressed,

To proclaim the favourable year of the lord.” (Luke 4:18-19)

We have named Revive 2024 ‘Fearless and Free’, two challenging and inspiring concepts central to this Luke 4 passage. Jesus’ voice is like a powerful trumpet (Rev 1:10), always releasing a FEARLESS FREEDOM in the lives of those who draw near to him in worship and awe.


A sustained year of favour, a Jubilee year, is available to us when we break into a Fearless place of faith, taking hold of the Holy Spirit anointing that was on Jesus and embracing his fullness upon his church today.


Revive is a week where freedom is deeply experienced – deep in our hearts, in our relationships and in the wider Church. Experience physical and emotional healings, with hope renewed in every life and situation.

We invite you to Revive to celebrate with us as we blow the trumpet of Jubilee for Freedom and for victory over fear, and for His radical favour to rest upon us all.

If you have been coming to Revive since its beginning, or if this is your first time, you are welcome! It doesn’t matter what background or church you come from, everyone is gathered to Hear His Voice,  seek His goodness and glory (Psalm 29).

The programme of Revive is bursting with life, with something to engage with from dawn until deep into the night. From celebrations to seminars, sports to prayer ministry, and workshops to sipping hot chocolates around a fire pit with old and new friends, Revive is simply an amazing week.

There are streams and sessions for every age of child, teenager and young adult, giving them space and security within which to grow and grow as disciples of Jesus.

Don’t miss out, this is going to be an amazing, Jubilee year of Revive!

It’s like having a party with GOD everyday


Whilst at Revive I feel the peace that God gives and the grace of his fellowship


The atmosphere was so full of the Holy Spirit


The people were so kind and loving. It felt like a taste of Heaven on earth


Being involved in the prayer ministry was such an honour; to watch Jesus at work changing lives


I loved the bible teaching! It was so inspirational!!


Good to meet up with friends we hadn’t seen for a long time


Revive just gets better every year. Great word, worship and fellowship


At Revive God renewed all my spirit life that I felt when he set me free 


Revive reconnected me with Church life and has reinvigorated my daily walk with Jesus


Revive brought me closer to God through worship, word and community


I was so encouraged by the number of teenagers that decided to be baptized – despite the pouring rain


I found incredible encouragement from seeing other believers gathering and just spending time together


To have a village of ‘family’ surrounding you for a week makes days so much happier


Despite challenging camping weather conditions, I came home feeling revived


Revive did more to challenge and grow me in my faith than anything else I’ve done over the past few years


It is precious to see people serving one another


Even if the British weather is a bit tricky at times, God is always ready to bless all those who gather in His name
